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Strozzapreti made with durum semolina are producted with the best blend of extra arancio semolina, pasteurized, stabilized and packaged in a protective atmosphere in transparent bowl of 500 gr.
History and tradition
Born as a poor pasta, homemade, using simple ingredients but which requires a decent manual for its processing. The form is very similar to that of shoelaces, from which many people think the name derives. According to this hypothesis then, the name comes from the strings that were used, in the Papal States, by the revolutionaries to strangle the priests and would therefore be the result of a merge between the words "string" and "strangle". Ideal in the kitchen for the preparation of the first seafood, combined with all kinds of tomato sauces or simply juxtaposed by condiments typical of Salento such as ricotta or pecorino.
Production process
The stabilized pasta (Ambient) Strozzapreti made with durum semolina is the result of a production process created in order to combine high organoleptic property of fresh pasta, short cooking times (3 minutes) and a room temperature storage (cool and dry place under a temperature up to 25°C). Once opened, the contents will last 3-4 days in the fridge.